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Gain the business skills to develop and implement value creating ideas and solutions.

Webster's Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is designed for professionals who want to shape their own career, upgrade credentials and be strategic players in the world of business. Regardless of what you want out of your MBA, you can count on getting a flexible schedule that fits your lifestyle, small classes, personal attention and a real-world approach.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

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MBA teacher points to a student off camera as she draws a supply and demand curve

Areas of Emphasis

At our Tashkent campus, there are two areas of emphasis for the MBA degree: marketing and project management.

Each of these have additional selected courses that deepen your knowledge and skills in your selected area, and enriches your Webster MBA.

Webster's Master of Business Administration Program

The successful organization has a deliberate strategy for maximizing the value it creates. This strategy is effectively communicated to all participants in the business. The internal stakeholders understand their role in implementing the organization's vision and all processes are developed to achieve it. The Webster MBA is developed with this organizational purpose in mind. Its aim is to teach students the business competencies needed to develop and implement value creating ideas and solutions while building the personal skills necessary to achieve their professional aspirations.

This purpose is made clear in the following program learning outcomes:

  • Students can analyze a business and identify and evaluate opportunities for value creation.
  • Students can apply the core business competencies necessary to increase organizational value.
  • Students demonstrate the personal effectiveness competencies necessary to achieve their professional goals and to contribute to the accomplishment of the organization's objectives.

To achieve these outcomes, the Webster MBA focuses on the role each business process plays in creating value and the Business Competencies necessary for students to achieve organizational objectives. The curriculum complements these with Personal Effectiveness Competencies necessary for students to accomplish their personal and professional goals. Both sets of competencies are practiced throughout the curriculum in a delivery method that combines online learning with weekly discussion sessions. Students can join either face-to-face or online.

Identify and Evaluate Opportunities for Value Creation

  • Value Creation
  • Strategy
  • Market Analysis
  • Pro Forma Analysis
  • Capital Budgeting
  • Quantitative Analysis

Develop an Implementation Plan

  • Project Management
  • Distribution and Pricing
  • Product and Promotion
  • Customer Relations

Manage Business Processes

  • Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Process Analysis
  • Leadership
  • Developing and Managing Teams
  • Developing and Managing Workers

Provide Decision Support

  • Information infrastructure
  • Database management
  • Data analytics
  • Managerial accounting
  • Effective Communication
  • Collaborative Work
  • Efficient Organization of Work
  • Independent Learning
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Systematic Thinking
  • Analytical Decision Making
  • Probabilistic Thinking
  • Spreadsheet Analysis

The MBA curriculum is organized into three parts: Value Creation Foundation, Value Creation Components and Value Creation in Practice. The Value Creation Foundation must be completed before progression to the Value Creation Components which, in turn, must be completed before taking the two Value Creation in Practice classes.

Value Creation Foundation (9–12 hours)

  • BUSN 5000 Business*
  • MBA 5010 Value Creation
  • MBA 5020 Quantitative Methods for the MBA
  • MBA 5030 Market Analysis and Business Planning

Value Creation Components (15 hours)

  • MBA 5100 Adding Value through Human Capital
  • MBA 5200 The Financial Value of Capital Projects
  • MBA 5300 Providing Value to Customers
  • MBA 5400 The Supply Chain and Business Processes
  • MBA 5500 Information Support for Decision Making

Value Creation in Practice (6 hours)

  • MBA 5910 Cases in Value Creation
  • MBA 5920 Walker Consulting Project: Adding Value to Organizations

Electives (3–6 hours)

*Students with a previous ACBSP (or equivalent) accredited degree or students who pass a waiver exam may substitute an elective for BUSN 5000.

Requirements for an area of emphasis in the MBA program include the MBA required coursework (33 credit hours) and additional course requirements as identified below for each individual area of emphasis. If BUSN 5000 has been waived, the required hours are reduced by 3 credits and the BUSN 5000 course does not require a substitution.

Marketing is for students who have a background in marketing and an interest in obtaining specific expertise in marketing strategy.

42 to 45 Credit Hours

The MBA with an emphasis in digital marketing management must include the following courses:

  • MRKT 5000 Foundations of Marketing Strategic Thinking* (3 hours)
    (*MRKT 5000 may substitute for MBA 5300.)
  • MRKT 5610 Marketing Channel Management (3 hours)
  • MRKT 5720 Promotional Management (3 hours)
    or MRKT 5740 Management of Digital Marketing (3 hours)
  • MRKT 5960 Marketing Management (3 hours)
  • Plus, any MRKT designated course or elective courses listed in the MS in marketing program (3 hours)

Project management is designed to equip the students with theoretical concepts and the practical skills needed for successfully completing projects on time and within budget.

39 to 42 Credit Hours

The MBA with an emphasis in project management must include the following courses:

  • BUSN 5100 Introduction to Project Management (3 hours)
  • BUSN 5300 Project Procurement Management (3 hours)
  • BUSN 5700 Advances in Project Management (3 hours)

Learn More

Founded in 1915, Webster University is committed to ensuring high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. In 2019, Webster Tashkent joined our network to bring the best of American education with the first U.S. university in central Asia.

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