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Become a Modern Teacher

The Bachelor of Education Studies degree focuses on instruction across a broad range of learning contexts. The influence of philosophy, sociology and psychology are examined to understand their impact on instructional design, learning theory, culture and inclusivity on the learner. This program highlights the importance of global engagement, science and technology, as well as the local community in the design and implementation of curriculum, learning and instructional interventions. The degree is designed for the student who is interested in learning and instruction in formal and informal settings.

Two female students are evidently listening to someone who is talking to them.

Choose the Webster BEd

Two female students are evidently listening to someone who is talking to them.

The Bachelor of Education Studies (BEd) at Webster University provides students with a wide array of tools vital for teaching in contemporary, globalized settings. BEd majors become exceptional teachers capable of serving the needs of different learners. With an Emphasis in Global Education, the BEd degree at Webster Tashkent offers a strong level of specialization, while also providing students with a solid learner-centered foundation. 

Webster's Bachelor of Education Studies Program

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of major philosophical and sociological perspectives concerning schooling and education.
  • Understand and apply principles of developmental psychology to support learners in formal and informal educational settings.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the role of culture and diversity in designing and implementing learning solutions in global and local education.
  • Understand and apply communication skills, message design application and information and communications technology tools in order to sustain relationships and effective stakeholder communication.
  • Apply professional learning and collaboration to achieve personal and professional development in the areas of instruction, curriculum design and learning facilitation.
  • Design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.
  • Collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve instructional problems.

The Emphasis in Global Education provides students with the awareness and skills to work in diverse learning environments as well as informal non-school environments like museums and learning centers. The program prioritizes global engagement, instructional design and participatory learning. 

The student will:

  1. Understand the role of Global Citizenship Education in crafting solutions for social and educational problems. 
  2. Demonstrate knowledge, skills and habits of mind of an adult educator, instructional designer and learning facilitator.  
  3. Demonstrate an ability to plan design and implement instruction for a variety of learners.
  4. Recognize and discuss key themes of global education and informal education.
  5. Apply instructional and learning design skills to support adult learners in professional development and lifelong learning.
  6. Apply career learning and leadership approaches to personal learning.
  7. Understand and use research to evaluate educational practices.
  8. Explore options for applying their educational knowledge and skills in professional/occupational pursuits.

Webster's BEd degree requires at least 27 credit hours of core courses, plus the completion of required credit hours in the Global Education emphasis.

  • EDUC 2050 Introduction to Global Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 2110 Communication in Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 2800 Foundations of Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 2900 Education of Students with Exceptionalities (3 hours)
  • EDUC 3100 Learning, Teaching and Assessment (3 hours)
  • EDUC 3125 Technology in the Classroom (3 hours)
  • EDUC 3300 Topics in Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC 3375 Behavior Management (3 hours)
  • EDUC 3650 Instructional Design (3 hours)
  • EDUC 4250 Economics and Geography for Global Sustainability (3 hours)
  • EDUC 4435 Inclusive Practices and Methods for Teaching English Learners (3 hours)
  • EDUC 4620 Educational Internship (3 hours)
  • EDUC 4650 Educational Research Senior Overview (3 hours)
  • PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)

BEd students also take applicable University Global Citizenship Program classes, with accommodations for their major, as well as elective classes.

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Founded in 1915, Webster University is committed to ensuring high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. In 2019, Webster Tashkent joined our network to bring the best of American education with the first U.S. university in central Asia.