Themes and Abstracts

Please find the descriptions of themes of the 2022 Webster University in Tashkent International Conference on Creativity and ELT below. 

Abstracts of papers to be presented at the conference are also shared below according to one of the six conference themes.

Theme A: Teacher development

Teacher development is a major force in professionalizing education. Teachers not only teach but learn. There is a plethora of opportunities available for teacher development provided by national and foreign training institutions and organizations, as well as by universities. And there is a wide range of online training available in structured and unstructured formats. Conferences such as WUTICCELT also provide a wide range of teacher development opportunities. The Teacher Development theme of this conference articulates some of the theory and practice.

Moderator: Erkin Mukhammedov

Anora Jabbarova

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute

Ulugbek Jabbarov

Tashkent State Pedagogical University

Key words: essay writing, writing difficulties, essay structure, process of writing, creative writing, types of essays.


This presentation will describe some of the major issues that teachers face when teaching essay writing in English. The essence and classification of the errors that students make will be investigated. Essay writing brings certain difficulties not only to students, but also to teachers. The presentation includes a description of the combination of several essay structures which help to overcome some writing difficulties.

About this presentation

It is well-known that in order to write a good essay in English, the structure of the apparatus of evidence is necessary. The proof is a set of logical techniques for substantiating the truth of a proposition using other true and related propositions. It is connected with conviction, but not identical to it: argumentation or proof should be based on data from science and socio-historical practice; convictions can be based on prejudice; people's ignorance of economic and political issues, as well as the appearance of evidence. In other words, proof or argument is reasoning using facts, truth judgments, scientific evidence, and convincing us of the truth of what is being said. We consider it advisable to provide several recommendations given by leading methodologists on how to write an essay in English that meets international standards.

The process of writing an essay is a creative process that requires not only knowledge of the subject, but also the possession of writing skills. It should be borne in mind that the composition is a logical and linguistic text that is saturated with creative and philosophical reflections. According to the materials and causes, essays can be descriptive, narrative, and essay-reasoning. The methodologists, Marshall and Rowland, distinguish between expository/explanatory and persuasive essays and present suggestions for organizing and integrating ideas and information about a research method for working with primary and secondary sources (Library research). However, these types of essays are interpreted by other methodologists as descriptive and argumentative. For example, one of the English study guides explains that the descriptive approach lists important points, but not the author’s point of view, whereas the argumentative one formulates its own point of view, the effectiveness of which depends on the arguments presented, organized by certain means. In this case, we are talking about techniques for the development of thought, such as comparison, analysis, discussion and definition. In another textbook, resources are provided which are differentiated by the methods of development of thoughts on writing essays, various types of essays (narrative, comparative, cause-effect, argumentative). It should be noted that an argumentative essay is also an effective method of controlling students' ability to think logically. To write an essay in English, it is typical to adhere to a certain structure. Regardless of the type of essay, the task with the arguments for and against, or the task with the expression of the author’s opinion should be included in each essay. Both in the first and in the second case, it is necessary to strictly observe the structure (introduction, main part, conclusion).

Elyanora Menglieva

NETRUZ Project Lead

Key words: teacher research, exploratory action research, professional development, context-based methodologies, NETRUZ, teacher change


Teacher-research, particularly exploratory action research (EAR), can help teachers explore their classrooms and respond to their context and to their students’ needs. It can also support teachers in their professional development as EAR might develop into a habit, which would see teachers regularly questioning their teaching practices, seeking feasible solutions and reflecting on the changes implemented. In this talk, I will discuss ways of introducing exploratory action research into your classroom and its benefits for your professional development.

About this presentation

Exploratory action research (EAR) is a valid gradualist approach used by teachers who intend to bring changes into their classroom by exploring teaching practices, identifying challenges, taking immediate steps and reflecting on the introduced changes (Smith, 2015). Exploratory action research schemes are being widely promoted in countries such as India, Chile, Peru, Mexico, India, Argentina and Nepal. Exploratory action research has also been introduced in Uzbekistan within the project NETRUZ (Network of Teacher Researchers in Uzbekistan).

The main reason for introducing exploratory action research into the Uzbek context is that teachers face context-specific difficulties that include the low motivation of students, the lack of resources, and poor pedagogical and language skills. Teachers can employ EAR as a feasible approach to understanding the context, collecting data to explore the challenges and taking steps that could bring positive changes to their classroom. More teachers around the world are now benefiting from the efficiency of integrating exploratory action research into their classrooms as it helps them generate more insight on their teaching, plan contextually-appropriate actions for improvement and test various educational theories (Banegas, 2012).

This talk describes firstly how to introduce exploratory action research into your classroom and secondly share the reflections of several teacher researchers from the NETRUZ project who successfully used exploratory action research. In addition, mention will be made of the benefits of joining our newly-built community of practice where you can learn about exploratory action research and share your research findings locally and globally.

Klara Nazmutdinova

Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Key words: professional development, teacher training, cascading system, TESOL international Trainers, TESOL Principles.


The presenter will reflect on the qualitative change in English language teaching resulting from the nationwide joint Project of American Councils, Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan and the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Uzbekistan and the English Speaking Nation, in which the presenter has been taking part since 2020. The presenter will describe the content of the project program and how it aims to improve English language teaching in the country. Some practical tips taken from the Program on creative teaching will be illustrated.

About this presentation

Numerous studies indicate a direct relationship between quality of teaching and learner success at the secondary level (Douglas, 2011; Jacob & Lefgren, 2004). This is a strong indicator of the need to raise the skill level of school English language teachers’ language and teaching. The presenter will illustrate the qualitative change in EL teaching that is resulting from the nationwide joint Project of American Councils, Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan and the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Uzbekistan, and in close cooperation with the TESOL Org’s project English Speaking Nation. The presenter will describe the content of the project and how it is expected to improve EL teaching in this country. Some practical tips taken from the program on creative teaching will be illustrated.

The presenter will describe the stages of the Project. In the first phase of the project the participants undertook several courses of the program:

  • TCCP (TESOL Core Certificate Program)
  • Course Teaching in Teaching Adolescents
  • TETE (Teaching English Through English) Course
  • ToT (Training of Trainers) Course.

In the second phase of the project, the core trainers will conduct cascading training programs for the Regional Peer Mentors (RPM) on the TETE and ToT programs. In the third phase of the Project, the RPMs will train and mentor other teachers.

The main TESOL principles will be reviewed and illustrated in practice for the participants using creative, communicative activities. The audience will have a chance to experience modern approaches to teaching EL based on TESOL principles.

Finally, the presenter will draw conclusions on how the ESN Project will influence EL teaching in Uzbekistan. The cascading system of the ESN Project aims to ensure a qualitative change of EL teaching at the secondary school level. It urgently needs great attention in our country at the moment.

Gulnoza Kuldosheva

Adjunct Professor, Webster University in Tashkent

Erkin Mukhammedov

Senior lecturer, Westminster Internationl University in Tashkent

Sherzod Khaydarov

Lecturer, Westminster Internationl University in Tashkent

Key words: Teacher professional development, Offline and online courses, quality of teaching, public education 


Continuous dual-mode teacher professional development (TPD) provides secondary school teachers an opportunity to implement quality teaching and learning without leaving their job. However, access to TPD is a challenge for teachers because of geographical limitations, excessive workload, lack of enthusiasm and resources. Tensions may arise between quality and equity, and financial constraints which might impede the expansion of quality TPD programs. This presentations outlines the initial findings of field trips and sheds light on teachers’ actual expectations, needs and experiences of the newly launched online and offline TPD project.

About this presentation

There is a growing interest in teacher professional development (TPD) in developing countries as it is closely linked to the improvement of student achievement. Governments and international agencies see professional development opportunities as a school-improvement strategy. Critical challenges to enhancing teaching quality include weak pedagogical content knowledge, poor quality pre-and in-service training, and inadequate support from education leaders. Therefore, strengthening teacher professional development systems and delivering them at scale while addressing the issues of equity, quality, and efficiency are crucial to improving education system performance as a whole.

In view of these aspects, the current study explores a new teacher professional training model being piloted at selected schools throughout Uzbekistan. The professional development training were organized as optional courses. This presentation aims to examine how the TPD@Scale approach can be used in Uzbekistan to improve equitable access to quality TPD and share the findings of the research conducted among secondary school teachers by looking at their motivations, expectations and experiences of the TPD project. It is based on the online and offline modes of continuous professional development training specially designed for the teachers working in public education. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through a survey, semi-structured interview and focus group discussions. Initial findings reveal that the face-to-face mode of the TPD training was more successful than the online elements of the training. Based on these findings, specific recommendations have been developed to improve the online mode of training.

Theme B: Innovative teaching practices

The field of ELT has been a leading innovator in educational practices across the globe. Significant innovation has been witnessed in classroom dynamics, learner autonomy, roles of the teacher and students, community outreach, the role of collaboration in the classroom, a product being created through learning processes, the multiple affordances of tasks and texts, the staging of lessons, innovative syllabuses, experimental methods based on philosophies of pedagogy and linguistics, the role of personalization, the recognition of diversity within an individual and within cultures, and many other facets of education.

Not all of these innovations can be adopted in every cultural and political setting. Given that the menu is far more extensive than it was at the turn of the century, teachers must continue to develop their criteria for making the optimal choices so that they can best meet their learners’ needs.

Moderator: Guzal Irgasheva

Durdona Karimova

Specialized Branch of Tashkent State University of Law

Key words: fast speech, blending, flap, H elision, syllable elision, fast phrases


Comprehending fast speech is a continuous challenge for EFL/ESL learners. Students often get used to monotonous classroom English and face obstacles in understanding the reductions by native speakers of English. Online resources with blending, flap, H elision, syllable elision and common fast phrases might be integrated in lessons to teach fast-speech reductions. This session will give teachers ideas on using videos and audio quizzes for listening practice with their learners. They may adapt the activities for their context.

About this presentation

Research shows that direct implicit instruction on fast-speech reductions serve learner comprehension. Lessons conducted on reduced forms can reasonably improve students’ scores on dictation tests (Brown and Hilferty 2006; Matsuzawa 2006) and on listening comprehension tests (Ahmadian and Matour 2014). Furthermore, lessons on reductions can improve test scores not only directly after instruction, but also on a retention test a month or so later (Cormier, Zhang, and Matsuzawa 2013). Several online resources might be integrated into lessons to teach fast-speech reductions. The Minnesota English Language Program at the University of Minnesota produced five videos available at These videos explain blending, flap, H elision, syllable elision and common fast phrases. Each video is followed by an audio quiz where students can listen to a short sentence containing reductions and check their comprehension of it. These online videos and quizzes were designed as a self-study toolkit for ESL/EFL students and are open to the public.

This session will guide the audience into a prepared class lesson in which they will be exposed to the online videos and quizzes made by the Minnesota English Language Program for ESL/EFL teaching and learning purposes. The session teacher will present ways of integrating the online resources with the activities into the classroom to raise the awareness of students on reductions. The presenter will show several activities enriched with follow-up exercises to teach fast-speech in the classroom. A combination of explaining fast-speech reductions with the video, analyzing example words and phrases, and testing student comprehension of fast speech with audio quizzes can help students be better prepared to recognize and understand common reductions when they hear them outside the classroom. By the end of the session the audience will get ideas for how to use the videos and quizzes for listening practice with their students. 

Rimajon Sotlikova

National University of Uzbekistan

Key words: innovative, teaching, ICT, effective activities 


Innovative teaching is a demand in every sphere of education today. This presentation aims to identify what innovative teaching practices are and how to apply them to foster effective learning. The focus of this presentation is the importance of training teachers to improve their pedagogical and ICT skills for effective teaching so as to meet the needs of today’s students. The presentation also discusses issues surrounding innovative activities and project-based assignments.

About this presentation

Innovation is defined as the process of making changes to something established by introducing something new. Innovative teaching is about the teaching process where creative teachers discover new methods of teaching in their classroom. Innovation plays an important role in education, as new ideas are constructed through innovation to teach effectively. Today, students are growing up in a rapidly changing world in which they will face increasingly complex challenges and exciting opportunities offered by new knowledge and technologies. Current teacher training does not equip teachers to teach innovatively. Becoming professional in teacher education requires time and experiential learning. Innovative teaching and learning practices incorporate responsive teaching practice, student ownership of learning, high levels of engagement, authentic contexts, the development of competencies and the strategic use of digital technologies to connect, collaborate, create and share learning. Teachers should rethink and review their pedagogical skills and use digital technologies in order to meet the needs of today’s students. There are several innovative approaches: active learning, agentic learning, authentic learning, collaborative learning, purposeful learning and the co-constructed curriculum. To employ innovative teaching for effective learning, teachers need to gain a combination of knowledge, autonomy and peer networking in professionalism. It is important for teachers to update their knowledge of pedagogical skills, methods of teaching, ICT literacy, assessment literacy and also collaboration with other experts and teachers in the field of education. There is a number of issues that teachers should take into consideration for effective innovative teaching practices. These include the implementation of innovative activities in the classroom and project-based assignments.

Lola Mamedova

Key words: student-centered classes, teamwork, project-based classes


In this era of great technological development, life requires us to be flexible and proactive in everything we do. Teaching is one of them. Educators today have to come up with new and modern methodologies to deliver effective lessons and keep up with changes. Thus, teaching practices should be constantly updated and implemented in modern classrooms. It is high time to shift to student-centered classes instead of teacher-centered ones. Thus, innovative teaching practices will make the classes more effective if implemented properly. Teamwork, technological equipment and projects play indispensable roles in educating the young today.

About this presentation

We can no longer teach effectively using some of the methods practiced before. The 21st century requires educators to be student-centered so that their learners learn better and retain more. There are some innovative teaching practices that will make classes more effective if implemented properly.

Teamwork: when students work with their peers, they learn more. Cooperative learning will train them in the skills needed in their professional lives. If they are assigned a task to do with their group mates they will learn to deal with different people and share their knowledge with their peers.

Technologically equipped classrooms: technology limited classrooms can no longer deliver effective lessons to the new generation. Today’s learners will better understand core concepts when introduced through visual aids and other media. Using online platforms for activities and completing tasks will engage them more than the traditional paper-pencil method.

Project-based learning: innovative ideas are usually generated by young minds if they are allowed to express their ideas freely. Real-life cases and problems are best solved by those who are not afraid to change. If students are given projects to complete with their team, they will be able to use their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills which can be rewarding experiences for their future and for the future of their community. The brilliant ideas that they suggest themselves can be implemented in real life.

Outside class: it is high time to take learners outside the classroom. Some lessons are best learnt through firsthand experience. When students are outside, they will understand the concept of the subject learnt better. Field trips related to the subject will make it more exciting and memorable.

Creativity: promoting creativity in the class is the best way to improve the interpersonal skills of learners. Role plays during the class make them use their imagination, enhance interaction with their peers and let them gain more confidence. Introducing the topic through a story is another way to get students’ attention. Variety in the teaching approach is always highly appreciated by students.

Elnara Gulieva

Webster University in Samarkand

Nilufar Mukhammedova

Webster University in Samarkand


The thesis of this proposal addresses the effective use and implementation of modern digital tools in the teaching process. An interactive class procedure is constructed on the basis of using the latest digital tools such as Jamboard and TikTok. This proposal outlines some practical ideas for integrating them into language teaching.   

About this presentation

We can hardly imagine our current language classrooms without digital tools that motivate students’ learning. There are various types of digital tools that are available and applicable to teaching in any context. Here we suggest Jamboard and TikTok that are widely used in teaching different ages.

Jamboard is the latest innovative digital tool that can be implemented into the classrooms for developing interactive activities among students. It is a digital interactive whiteboard developed by Google to work with Google workspace. Jamboard allows teachers to keep and plan different types of activities for effective group work. It was created for the specific purpose of working cooperatively using one interactive board that is accessible from all available devices, such as computers, smartphones and tablets.

Specific features of Google Jamboard:

  1. Cooperative work and monitoring changes in real time
  2. Changing the background of the slide
  3. Support of graphics and visuals aids
  4. Saving slides in format (PNG)
  5. Exporting projects in PDF format
  6. Suitable for distance teaching in secondary and higher educational establishments.
  7. Interactive board slides are used for writing, revising, pasting and drawing
  8. It can be used for individual and team work.

Tik-tok is also a widely-used service for creating short videos by users of different ages. It is a social site that promotes advertising different products. It allows users to shoot music videos, conduct live talks and share messages. It is used by both individuals and companies that advertise their brand products.

Specific features of TikTok:

  1. Videos are presented in portrait position
  2. It is supported by a variety of filters animation, masks and other special effects
  3. Lip syncing is one of favorite tools to create music videos
  4. A musical fragment can be integrated into the video
  5. Tik-tok users can dance, joke and do sports or shoot their episodes from their lives
  6. It offers diverse content for users of different interests and purposes.
  7. It challenges creative thinking

Theme C: Secondary school teaching, CLIL

Most English language teacher training focuses on the language and methodology of teaching English generally, or on teaching English to adults. However, the needs of secondary school students differ in their approach to learning, their levels of motivation, the way they are required to function in a regimented scholastic environment, their interests and in their use of technology.

Content and Language Integrated Learning is a widely adopted approach to teaching school subjects such as science and geography in the target language, which is usually English. This approach is widely researched.

Moderator: Rokhatoy Boltaeva      

Nilufar Tillayeva

Webster University in Tashkent

Key words: Socratic seminars, debate, critical thinking, PBL, CLT, group work activities, task achievement, repetitive concepts, generic ideas, coherence and cohesion


Non-native speaker writers face challenges while writing different types of compositions. Because of the difficulties, ESL students are less motivated to participate in writing activities. An essay may be full of academic words and free from grammar mistakes, but the ideas are either repeated or off-topic. One of the most common causes of a poorly written essay is the lack of teaching activities that foster critical thinking. This study focuses on how the incorporation of critical thinking into writing activities affects students’ language development.

About this presentation

Writing is typically more difficult for EFL students to master than other skills. In my experience, students are less encouraged and motivated to participate in writing activities. The grades of the students also indicate that their writing skills should be improved through the use of various methods and approaches. The ability to expand one's vocabulary, use appropriate words in writing, and follow grammatical rules are all essential characteristics of a highly developed writing skill. Even students who are proficient in using words and grammar rules were unable to complete well-written writing tasks. They claimed to have spent a significant amount of time trying to come up with a suitable starting point for their essay. As a result, the essay may be full of academic words and free of grammar errors, but ideas are either repeated or off-topic. While observing my students' work, I came to the conclusion that developing critical thinking skills and using activities that cultivate critical thinking skills is crucial for EFL learners to be able to begin and complete various types of compositions.

Feruz Akbarov

ETA Uzbekistan

Key words: creativity, skill, talent, positivity, ambience, prospect, practicality


Creativity has long been seen as a talent by some, while others regard it as a skill. Irrespective of how it is perceived, this presentation sheds light upon some teaching practices that have been either overlooked or not known at all by English teachers in Uzbekistan and elsewhere. Together we will explore some effective teaching insights and practical tips on how to teach creatively so as to enhance teachers’ existing skills and inspire them to employ some innovative tips, tools and strategies.

About this presentation

The following proposals will be explored during the presentation:

Integrate blended learning and teaching into remote and rural parts of the country. This could be one of the reasons why teachers of English from rural areas of Uzbekistan are struggling to be creative.

Ensure a regular quality check of the lessons which will lead to continuous teacher development. Little time is devoted to reflecting on how teachers teach and where such a monitoring system is in place it could be made more effective.

Empower teachers with effective classroom management skills which can have a positive impact on their creativity. Teachers at public schools and institutions face large numbers of students which often puts enormous amounts of pressure on teachers to manage such classes. Some key solutions will be offered to tackle this issue.

Organize regular Creativity workshops at respective schools and institutions to increase teacher support and enrichment. Every school must have a space for creating and fostering creativity in students as well as in teachers. But if you question the availability of such workshops and rooms for creativity they are scarce or do not exist at all.

Introduce skill development courseware as part of the curriculum that goes in line with the theoretical course.

Foster student autonomy to inspire them to become creative learners and motivate teachers to set guided examples for their students to imitate;

Bridge the digital gap in technology-mediated teaching to raise the digital awareness and increase the digital know-how of both teachers and students in computer assisted language learning (CALL)

Dildora Tashpulatova

Aisulu Kinjemuratova

Westminster International University in Tashkent

Key words: creative thinking skills, Academic English, primary research, pedagogical approaches.


This presentation aims to share effective practices in motivating students to think creatively while completing their assessment task, namely a research report written in the Academic English module. The focus will be on existing approaches on the topic as well as activities targeting the promotion of students’ creative thinking skills. Using content knowledge, problem solving and logical thinking, these approaches and activities could boost students’ creativity building their capacity to apply the skills to successfully manage the classroom activities and assessment task, thereby achieving better performance.

About this presentation

Today, higher education institutions assign students to complete challenging and demanding assessment tasks that require the application of different higher-order thinking skills including logical, reflective, critical, and creative thinking. There is a particular need for stimulating students to think creatively while completing an assessment task as this could be developed into an essential transferable skill students could apply across different modules. This has important relevance to the Academic English module offered at Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) in the foundation course. One of the tasks assigned to the students is writing a research report on a chosen general topic. The students work in small groups and are required to narrow down the topic and formulate a research question, which is then to be developed into a small-scale study. To successfully complete the task, students have to demonstrate an ability to think in novel ways to be able to generate unique and innovative ideas. The initial stage of the task completion process is the most challenging for the students as they lack creative thinking skills and often struggle to demonstrate them in their work. This could be explained by students’ former academic backgrounds which are predominantly based on rote learning and memorization. Thus, it is reasonable to encourage students to think creatively to be able to perform the task by giving them choices and motivating them to select topics and formulate research questions focusing on several multifarious aspects including attitudes, beliefs, preferences, issues, and expectations. In our presentation, we shall discuss how students can be encouraged to think creatively while conducting primary research and share effective approaches to enable students to think creatively and apply their gained knowledge in unconventional ways. We first evaluate current trends in research on creativity and its connection to students’ academic performance. We also review research on factors that impact students’ ability to produce and develop new ideas as well as synthesize ideas on practical approaches by other practitioners. Next, we share practical activities that we utilize in our module to develop students’ creative thinking ability. Specifically, the focus will be on tasks that students do including the generation of ideas, peer assessment, problem-solving, logical thinking, and evaluating ideas. A vital feature of the process of the assessment task completion is collaboration within small and larger groups. The expected consequences are improvements in students’ ability to solve problems and think creatively.

Venera Arzimbetova

EDC "Progress" Specialized School 46

Peaches Hash

Appalachian State University in the USA

Key words: teaching writing, art-based teaching, positive learning environments, creative problem-solving skills


Despite being of one of the key skills, writing receives the least attention in the school curriculum where one of the presenters works. The presenter has always wanted to develop her students’ writing skills using innovative ways of teaching to motivate her students and she was very impressed when she attended Dr. Hash’s lesson at Appalachian State University. Dr. Hash introduced a unique and innovative way of teaching writing, which develops students’ writing skills with creativity. This presentation will share this approach.

About this presentation

This presentation will feature a collaboration between Dr. Peaches Hash, an arts-based researcher and lecturer of Rhetoric and Writing Studies within the Appalachian State University’s Department of English, and Arzimbetova Venera, an English teacher at the Educational and Development Centre “Progress” Specialized School 46 in Nukus and Tea Program 2021 Alumni. They began their collaboration through the Appalachian State University’s Fulbright TEA Fellows program during the Fall 2021 semester. Arzimbetova Venera attended Dr. Peaches’ lesson at Appalachian State University and she was very interested to implement art-based teaching in order to develop pupils’ writing skills, because as she experienced this method during the lesson, she realized that this approach is a very important tool to engage the students in the learning process and motivate them to learn how to write composition.

Dr. Hash’s research in expressive arts and arts-based research seeks to explore how the arts can help students learn. This presentation will begin with a video recording of Dr. Hash sharing some of her research and methods for including creativity and the arts in classes. She will focus on how arts-based check-ins with students can allow for expression and support positive learning environments, especially when adjusting to pandemic learning. Dr. Hash has recently published this method in the peer-reviewed journals Art Education and The CEA Critic. Then, Mrs. Venera will explain how she used some of Dr. Hash’s methods with students in her courses and her ideas for the future. Venera will present how her 9th grade students created art during the lesson and how they were motivated to write the essay expressing their feelings about something that they had felt or experienced recently. Venera states that teaching writing with art is very new for her students and provides a vehicle for them to become actively engaged in the construction of their own learning. She also points out that Teaching through the Arts helps students to develop their creative problem-solving skills, language skills and social skills and as well as enabling them to deliver difficult concepts visually, making them easier to understand.

Shahnoza Saidova

LLC Aviation Training Center Uzbekistan Airways

Key words: technological innovation, syllabus, self-study competences, aviation specialists, misunderstanding, trainings, interaction.


With the rapid pace of technological innovations, flight communications systems are evolving every year providing more opportunities for flight crews to manage flight safety. This evolution of aviation technologies requires continuous training in the new technologies that have been implemented since the initial education of the aviation students. It also requires the further training of educated specialists. The main objective in our context is to introduce the new technological systems and their functionality with a focus on learning professional English.

About this presentation

The new learning programs for aviation specialists should include not only education in developing their theoretical knowledge, but should also focus on familiarizing them with the concept of new technologies and their functionality.  The learning programs also need to include effectively developed simulation and real professional practice programs according to international standards. 

This presentation will discuss the authentic practices of training targeted at improving the proficiency level of English of the aviation specialists along with essential patterns and key points, which should be taken into consideration when effectively developing the learning programs and implementing them in the learning process of the aviation specialists. Moreover, attention will be devoted to developing the “self-study” competencies of the specialists in exploring and learning the use new technologies. The concept of self-study refers to the lifelong ability to learn independently so as to keep improving their knowledge and skills continuously. This is comparatively new as a requirement for these specialists.

This presentation will focus on including training that develops elf-study competencies of aviation specialists in this advanced technological era.  

Theme D: English for Specific Purposes

ESP embraces the many practical and vocational areas that English is used for especially when it is in the role of a lingua franca. Building on their basis of General English, students learn the necessary vocabulary, terminology, discourse and pragmatic features of language that are used when working in a specific field. This includes English for medicine, tourism, agriculture, law, hairdressing and music.

Moderator: Nilufar Tillayeva 

Lyudmila Savchenko

Training Center of Uzbekistan Airways

Key words:International civil aviation organization (ICAO), air traffic controllers (ATC), incidents, accidents, language proficiency, language skills, effective communication.


The focus of this presentation is on the application of CLT in developing and improving the proficiency level of English for aviation specialists in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization requirements. This presentation places an emphasis on CLT, since the  ultimate goal is effective communication and interaction.

About this presentation

For the last 70 years, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has been analyzing the causes of incidents and accidents and come to the conclusion that a huge percentage of aviation incidents and accidents are related to communication failure and connected with linguistic problems. For this reason, the English language proficiency requirements for pilots and ATCs were adopted by the ICAO in 2008.

Since 5th March 2008, all pilots performing international flights and Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) serving international airports must have at least ICAO Level 4 which is referred to as the Operational level. All airports in Uzbekistan are considered to be international. To demonstrate that the candidate has ICAO operational level, the person must be able to communicate efficiently in voice-only and in face-to-face situations. Specialists asses the level of English according to the ICAO Rating Scale which contains the following six aspects of language skills.

  • Pronunciation: must be understandable for the intentional community.
  • Grammar: the basic grammar structures must be well-controlled.
  • Vocabulary: sufficient for professional communication.
  • Fluency: must be adequate to enable effective communication.
  • Comprehension: must be accurate.
  • Interaction: responses must be immediate and informative.

There can be no doubt that communication skills between pilots and ATCs are fundamental aspects of aviation safety.

To ensure this quality, language trainers apply some modern methods in Aviation English language teaching such as CLT (Communicative Language Teaching), Eclectic method, Task-based approach, Audio-Lingual Method.

Dilafruz Buranova

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Key words: qualifications, professional skills, pedagogy, students, medical, methodology, motivation.


The teaching of English language in medical universities, taking into account the main requirements for modern personnel in the current system of higher education, often has a great influence on the contemporary image of today's personnel. The introduction of effective methodologies for achieving quality and respectable results in the organization of activities in this regard, as well as the efficient use of modern teaching techniques, is very important and leads to consequential achievements. The policy of reforming the medical sphere of education in Uzbekistan has a huge impact on the teaching of the foreign language as a discipline within the general humanitarian sciences. English language teaching is gradually beginning to fade into the background, which in the nearest future threatens to "drop out" from the register of disciplines of medical universities. The establishment of a special specific environment for English language teaching in modern non-linguistic universities on the basis of profile and professional orientation, taking into account modern methods of teaching the language, is really urgent today. It is also important to find an answer to the question of why it is necessary to master English in the medical profession, and how effective the transformations in the modern educational system in this direction are.

About this presentation          

The process of teaching English in medical higher educational schools needs qualified specialists who are able to operate in accordance with the requirements of contemporary standards. This process is especially relevant to the demand for medical personnel who speak English and who create and improve the global communication environment in their field, while ensuring further professional development in respect of international requirements. Currently, teachers must have a set of professional skills that take into account the current needs of the medical field. The present teaching of English, according to scientific and theoretical research in this direction, has a specific fundamental basis, and what is especially important in ESP, is the fact that students need a special educational approach in accordance with their future profession and qualifications. Measures aimed at creating a higher education system by our state policy in accordance with the requirements of international standards, comprehensive support for the effective activities of university teachers, and cooperation with foreign universities are important. High on the agenda is the problem of radical improvement of higher education according to the requirements of reforming and modernizing current education, and full compliance of personnel with the requirements of the world labour market. The adopted laws and regulations aimed at reforming higher education, especially in medicine, have determined the reorganization of the scientific and methodical activity in non-linguistic universities of Uzbekistan. Medical higher education in the country has been reformed, and the 7-year bachelor's degree in higher medical education has been reduced to six years. However, the reduction in the number of hours in the humanities affected the teaching of foreign languages. The teaching of English has been drastically reduced in hours. This led to the fact that the previously studied general English was removed from the program, and only medical English remained, which students studied already in their senior years. This in turn led to some problems in teaching multi-level students at the initial stage of training. Reducing the duration of training of medical students and revising the programs of medical universities by optimizing it at the expense of humanities, undoubtedly, implies the quality of medical graduates as highly qualified specialists. However, it turned out that it is not so easy to destroy old stereotypes.

At the same time, the introduction of advanced foreign experience in the educational process, as well as the transition to internships and professional development in foreign institutions also necessitates a radical improvement of the higher education system. Knowledge of English language by medical specialists is significant in achieving high professional qualities. As English occupies many key moments in global communication, all medical specialists need to understand for themselves the most basic aspect of this task, namely that it is necessary to learn foreign languages and to know how to study independently. The potential of the language capabilities of the teaching staff of medical universities is growing every day. In particular, it is important to note that the percentage of English language acquisition among young staff is high, which to some extent determines the future prospects of medical universities. As for the activities of Foreign Language Departments and the process of teaching English in general, a clear organization of this process is necessary, taking into account the variability of internal and external conditions. Moreover, it is necessary to determine the basic steps for further promotion of the teaching of English at medical university.

Theme E: Teaching language

At the heart of language learning and teaching lie the four skills, reading, writing, speaking, writing speaking, and listening, and the four systems, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and functional language. They are delicately intertwined since we don’t get better at the skills without learning more of the systems. The Teaching Language conference theme explores some of the approaches to helping students become more effective learners and get better at English.

Moderator: Marija Kovač

Nilufar Mustafayeva


Key words: Language disorder, language difficulties, dyslexia, dysgraphia, writing mechanisms, handwriting, ADHD, reading comprehension, literacy, attention, multisensory teaching.


Dysgraphia, dyspraxia and dyslexia are language difficulties in EFL that effects writing accuracy as well as reading comprehension. This research explores Uzbek students’ disorders that influence their learning of English language as a foreign language. Cross-linguistic research suggests solutions to the problem of language disorder under orthographic depth and lack of attention. Experiments on the problem were conducted among the students of three higher educational institutions, implementing multisensory approach to teaching.

About this presentation

A good command of writing accuracy and reading comprehension show the learners degree of language competence. Dysgraphia and dyslexia are considered language difficulties that deserve some in-depth discussion of foreign language learning process. Identifying the students who fail to reach the standard requirements and age-appropriate literacy skills is the first step to ensure the timely support of their learning. Identifying and helping those drivers of low achievement is a teachers crucial role in the success of students’ education, while paying attention to the learners’ ability and development. This article explores Uzbek students’ difficulties that face in the process of learning English language as a foreign language. Cross-cultural studies suggest that this happens because of orthographic depth and lack of attention. As language disorders, we would like to investigate the dysgraphia, dyslexia and dyspraxia in teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). In order to have an experience and learn the problem faced by students on these challenges an experimental study was conducted among the students of the three higher educational intuitions. After analyzing the results, a multisensory approach was developed for teaching. The outcome and analysis from teaching learning experience forms the basis of this paper. While observing the learning and teaching process of English language in higher education, we noticed that this language disorder can occur in different situations while teaching different aspects of English. We judged the problem as being the relationship between pedagogical and linguistic factors. It also deals with a set of strategies and methods that teachers can apply as instruments to improve their students’ learning of English. A personal account as well as research resources and discussions related to language differences and language disorders are benefit for teachers who work in this field.

Marija Kovač

Webster University Tashkent

Key words: teacher, change agents, writing, grant literacy, education policies


Although teaching is about developing certain skills, there is also a ‘hidden curriculum.’ To me as an MA TESL and MA EDIN instructor, it is about communicating the importance of teachers being agents of change.

Let me reveal what education change means to my students. We are going to discuss how we can make it happen by writing grant applications. It is time to be the change we want to see in education.

About this presentation

The presentation aims to motivate the participants to consider becoming actively involved in changing the education system that they are dissatisfied with by writing grant proposals. The problems we encounter can only be solved through joint effort, and a lot of small, independent projects are going to bring about more substantial changes. These projects are supported by various funding agencies which award grants to well thought out and well-written applications. Teachers can and should be agents of change, suggesting projects that make a difference.

Sometimes it is hard to know where to start when solving a problem, or promoting improvements. First, I will share what our MA EDIN and MA TESL students believe is worth starting with, based on their proposal and case studies. Next, we will consider if the participants have the same issues and discuss how they would go about writing their grant proposals.

Durdana Utepova

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

Key words: grammar, product, process, skill, approach, technique, grammatical competence, schemata


Grammatical competence is essential in language learning. Language teachers attempt to use different methods and techniques to get expected outcomes. Analyzing and designing grammar activities is the first step to take from a teacher’s perspective before conducting a lesson. ESL/EFL teachers need to identify what needs to be done while designing activities or choosing their type based on learners’ needs and interests.

About this presentation

Teaching a language and its skills differ in many ways. Different methods and techniques are used in the teaching listening, reading, speaking of the same language, for example. Accordingly, many ways and techniques are used in teaching grammar. Following Batstone’s (1994) analysis of teaching grammar as product, process and skill, this paper deals with the analysis of grammar activities designed for intermediate level learners. In the process of teaching grammar, using the three approaches with grammar activities is essential in ESL and EFL contexts. The first approach to analyze is grammar as the product of teaching process that is the most widespread approach in EFL teaching nowadays. In the last approach (Grammar as skill) the first type of activity is listening activity. Three approaches “Grammar as product, grammar as process and grammar as skill” are frequently utilized in current English language classrooms. A teacher selects any of them in the teaching process according to learners’ needs and objectives of a lesson. It would not be appropriate to choose one of those grammar teaching approaches while ignoring the others in the whole teaching process. According to some hypotheses of scholars in pedagogy, the key explanation is that incorporating the three approaches in one teaching context, this grammar teaching method altogether is likely to be helpful to consolidate grammar knowledge, and in the process of doing the grammar activities learners are able to activate their schemata. Therein, teachers have more chance to contextualize grammar activities in EFL and ESL contexts and language learners gain language competence in all respects with the help of learning grammar in a communicative way.

Pulatova Durdona

Tashkent State Pedagogical University

Sulaymanova Dilafruz

Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Key words: Data driven learning, corpus, concordance lines, corpus based activities.


Current pedagogy focusses on student-centered teaching. A student-centered approach lets students learn how to set and achieve personal and educational goals while making mistakes and learning from them. This presentation will introduce the use of data driven learning (DDL) as a form of student-centered learning, the perceived value and benefits of engaging in DDL and emphasize the learning which can happen through its use. We will share freely available materials which have been developed for DDL and provide tips for using such activities.

About this presentation

In data-driven learning (DDL) students look at real language via corpus data, discuss and share observations and opinions based on this language, and subsequently make rules for and practice the use of the language they studied (Carter & McCarthy, 1995). In a recent meta-analysis, Boulton and Cobb (2017) found that DDL is effective and efficient for students, especially in foreign language environments. Because DDL is still an unconventional teaching/learning tool, however, many teachers feel unprepared to engage with students in such activities and have not taken advantage of the opportunity to use such activities with their students. The presenters in this session have conducted a study with 12 foreign language teachers and 162 students of English as a foreign language using DDL in their general English classroom. Teachers participated in an initial training session on the value of corpus linguistics, reviewed the materials and steps for a lesson plan to use DDL, then, after conducting the lesson, students and teachers both completed a questionnaire which examined how they felt about and responded to the activities as well as what they learned from the activities. This presentation will briefly share results of the study to highlight initial training needed to incorporate DDL, draw attention to the perceived value and benefits to both students and teachers when they engage in DDL, and emphasize the learning which can happen with the use of DDL.

Theme F: Post-pandemic solutions

The coronavirus pandemic  has hit all aspects of life harshly. However, it is the education sector that witnessed one of the strongest adverse impacts, bring things to an abrupt end in 2020. Millions of children around the world had to stop their schooling due to the outbreak of the new virus. It caused unprecedented disruption in children’s education which will be felt the consequences of lost learning for years to come. In this case, according to UNESCO an estimated 90% of the world’s school aged children were affected.

Moderator: Dilafruz Abdumajidova 

Dilafruz Abdumajidova

Webster University in Tashkent

Key words: cooperation, collaboration, groupwork, alternative activities, online platforms for team mode games to check comprehension.


This workshop intends to show the importance of cooperation in class in EFL classes. Many research findings prove technologically-supported collaborative learning enhances language development as students learn in social interactions; commenting on each other’s work prompts learners to share their experiences, reflecting on their own and their classmates’ work and analyzing it thus develops their critical thinking skills (Domalewska, 2014). As Kagan (1985) advocates, the case for cooperative learning has been made on many grounds. It usually (1) enhances student achievement, especially the achievement of minority and low-achieving students; (2) improves cross-ethnic relations; (3) aids in the successful mainstreaming of handicapped students; (4) facilitates the maintenance of minority cultural values; (5) promotes positive social relations and prosocial development; and (6) increases the liking among students for class, school, learning, and self. However, it became somewhat challenging for teachers to differentiate modes of interaction in online classes during the pandemic due to restricted opportunities for online classrooms. The presenter therefore aims to present some digital online platforms for cooperative groupwork activities. They offer a good alternative for online/hybrid mode of teaching as they enhance teambuilding, collaboration and a competitive mood.

About this presentation

EFL teachers use different methods to check learners’ understanding of a specific topic during the class time addressing different modes of interaction. Most of the groupwork activities require learners’ involvement where they need to cooperate and negotiate with their peers, discuss and debate on certain issues etc. During the pandemic period it was very difficult to set different groupwork activities as most of the online meeting platforms such as Zoom, Webex and others have limited facilities for that, most notably, breakout rooms. Therefore, there is a great demand for modifying classroom activities that enable students to revise the materials covered. Moreover, teachers need certain online platforms where they can set tasks to check the learners comprehension. This may put a lot pressure on an EFL teacher to update the course syllabi and lesson plans and it is time consuming. Moreover, finding the best alternatives for classroom activities for different modes of interaction may be a bit confusing for them as there are many varieties on the internet. Unfortunately, not all online platforms are free and easy to use. In order to minimize this time consuming process with material development for EFL learners, the presenter aims to suggest some digital platforms that are techno-friendly for EFL teachers in use. These can offer a good solution for online/hybrid mode of teaching as they can be done either within the class or without. Moreover, the presenter wants to demonstrate how to design groupwork activities using online platforms that are free and easy to use. These activities are fun and entertaining, create a challenging competitive mood during lessons, develop collaborative skills, and can be implemented for comprehension checking of the covered materials. They are suitable for any language classes with any level of learners.

Zahro Ahmedova

Fergana Military lyceum

Key words: leadership skills, critical thinking, learning environment.


Collaborative learning is an innovative method of teaching that involves encouraging student collaboration on various projects. This method of teaching has gained acceptance as a powerful tool, where once again the responsibility is on the group of the students while the educators play the role of guides, mentors, supervisor. It also teaches students empathy, negotiation skills, teamwork and problem solving. However, it is important to note that in this type of training, the students work together in a group effort, but each of them has their own task to focus on. The idea is that people in this environment will have the opportunity to strengthen their skills while seeing how their actions can affect the wider group. Communication between students at work also helps to build partnerships and strengthen bonds between teams, especially in the work environment. This is a chance for people to get to know each other and understand the strengths and weaknesses of their peers. Groups of two or more learners work together to solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new concepts.

About this presentation

This approach actively engages learners in processing and synthesizing information and concepts, rather than using rote memorization of facts and figures. Learners work with each other on projects, where they must collaborate as a group to understand the concepts being presented to them.

Through defending their positions, reframing ideas, listening to other viewpoints and articulating their points, learners will gain a more complete understanding as a group than they could as individuals.

The organizational benefits of collaborative learning

Develops self-management and leadership skills: When individuals are tasked with working together to achieve a common goal, they are being given the opportunity to develop high-level skills. While having to organize, assign, and teach, they are learning how to manage both themselves and others while leading in a productive fashion.

Increases employee skills and knowledge: When employees participate in collaborative learning, they are developing a wide range of skills and knowledge. Not only will they strengthen their existing skills by having to teach others, they in turn will learn new skills from other employees. This reduces the need for formal training while encouraging employees to continually upskill in known concepts and engage with new concepts.

Improves relationships across teams and departments: When individuals have limited contact across teams, it is difficult to foster connections and teamwork. Collaborative learning across teams forces individuals to develop new connections and find ways to work together. This can be especially beneficial for organizations that depend on remote workers, as fostering strong connections among distant workers can be difficult.

Improves knowledge acquisition and retention: Studies have shown that utilizing collaborative learning may lead to increased involvement and a better retention of information. The process of collaborative learning allows participants to achieve higher levels of thought and the information is retained much longer than when learned in a non-collaborative setting

Improves employee retention and promotes workplace engagement.

Nazirakhon Nasimova

Fergana Presidential School


This presentation aims to raise participants’ awareness of post-pandemic problems and their effects as well as of several approaches that can be implemented to tackle them. I start my presentation by providing information about the problems that emerged after the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on education. Then I share several of the solutions which I received in a survey which I conducted via the social website, Telegram.

About this presentation

In this presentation I would like to highlight what the best approaches should be implemented to deal with so many critical issues related to education which defines the future of the world. In the search for solutions I decided to conduct a survey on social media. During a two week period, I received hundreds of different solutions, some of which I am going to share with you.

Education should be the first priority for governments in their post-pandemic recovery policies. All children around the world should have free access to education whether it is online or offline. Both national and international charity organizations should be developed to provide affordable and accessible internet to all children equally. Mass media can be used to support and encourage millions of children around the world to study by making new educational programs to fill the gap made by the pandemic.

Targeted support may also be needed to overcome constraints specific to girls, especially adolescent girls. Special organizations for girls can provide moral and financial support so that they can continue their education. This pandemic is not the last of its kind. Therefore, the classroom as we know it, will never be the same as it was in the past. It is forever changed. The future classroom should be equipped with the latest equipment and governments should invest in the ICT skills of both teachers and children.

Gunjan Jain

Iroda Saydazimova

Westminster International University in Tashkent

Key words: Teaching pedagogy, blended learning, Covid 19, integrated skills


This presentation highlights the need to adapt existing innovative approaches in teaching pedagogy as a post-pandemic educational reform. As a result of the global pandemic, educational institutions switched from blended learning to online instruction mode, usingsuch tools as Zoom, Google Meet and Google Classroom. Historically, such unprecedented calamities prove to be disasters for our existence and survival. It is essential for teachers and learners to be adaptable and to change the educational conditions to meet the academic requirements. This workshop aims to motivate teachers to foster their creativity in developing the integrated skills of undergraduate learners.

About this presentation

During the past decade, the declaration of Covid-19 was not just a matter of public health but also affected the social, political, and economic life of individuals. With the consequential pandemic lockdown, educational institutions across the globe were shut down for an undefined period disrupting almost half the world's students. Thus, the teaching and learning process switched from blended learning to entirely computer-based learning using Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, etc. Historically, such unprecedented calamities prove to be disasters for existence and survival. Thus, time and time again, the circumstances taught lessons to be proactive and perceptive in every walk of life. It is essential for teachers and learners to be adaptable to change their educational conditions and to meet the academic requirements. This sudden shift to entirely computer-based instruction triggered many unpredicted challenges in meeting learning outcomes. Digital skills have become a fundamental part of the education system; and they also increased the need to enhance the strong basic skills (critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration, etc.)

While switching from the blended mode of teaching and learning to computer-based education, creativity has become the critical component to be implemented in the online classroom. Developing integrated skills focuses on the acquisition of English language knowledge that can be taught in a coherent way, and practiced by teachers and learners. The integrated skills require the involvement of teachers, learners, the academic setting, and the language. This workshop aims to present the facts by implementing teaching with an innovative approach during online teaching mode that can contribute to developing integrated skills in academia without falling behind in the curriculum. The focus will be on teachers training, evaluation, and everyday practices.